Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Just keeping in touch

I have not posted a blog for some time due to other activities. There have been plenty of situations that I think deserve comment. The different sports that have been tainted because of bookmaker inspired attempts to "fix" the results now include snooker.
It is interesting to note the various ways that the issue price of Royal Mail shares has been defended and attacked, I had to smile at the man who said something like "If I sold my house today for so many hundred thousand and the next day the price went up 38% I would be very cross"
What are the pros and cons of nationalizing various industries? I would like to sit in on a well controlled debate on that subject. Is the prime function an attempt to restrict the power of unions?  A theme that I would like to see thought through is "Should we all be more conscious of our conscience?"
FWG Tuesday 15 October 2013